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Bloody Sins Rules

There are Four main BloodySins rules every member must follow.


1. Respect all your clan and alliance members. no spamming in chats, no spamming invites, and no vulgarity or foul language.

  • Scamming: All scammers will be removed from clan, & alliance and reported DE

2.   15 Day Inactivity Kick Limit. We are a Leader-board Mountain Clan. We will remove members from clan if you choose to become inactive for more than 7 days. If you have a valid reason for becoming inactive please post your excuse of your inactivity the Clan Discord Server: BloodySins Text Channel: #inactivemembers

3. Starting rank in the clan, Lazy Sloth, you have to submit 100,000 credits a week. It increases the more you rank up; see here for details.


4. Treasure Resource Weekly Contributions:

  • Check out the #clan-resources-needed chat on Discord and donate the weekly amount of resources that the Clan Treasury really needs: Please choose 2 of the 4 donations below to contribute:

    • 1. 25k Polymer Bundle | 15k Plastids | 10k Circuits

    • 2. 25k Ferrite | 2k Croytic | 1k Oxium | 10k Circuits

    • 3. Gallium 10 | Morphics 10 | Tellurium 5 | Neurodes and Neural Sensors 10 | 10k Circuits

    • 4. 25k Polymer Bundle | 50k Nano Spores | 50k Salvage | 50k Alloy Plate | 50k Rubedo | 10k Circuits

    • Make sure to post screenshots on the Clan Discord Server: BloodySins Text Channel: #clandonationsreenshots

4. Most importantly, make sure you are active to participate in every event that Digital Extremes releases. If you're not participating in events you will be removed from clan.

5. Discord is an app for mobile and PC where I post clan info like:

 platinum tournament, contest.

I require everyone in clan to have to receive all clan information as I put it out.

 BloodySins members must download the Discord App.

Add Clan Leader Sylvester on Discord: Username: slyboy#4955

Also, make sure you request to join the following PS4 communities: BloodySins and The Legion of Deadly Sinners

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